Monday, June 28, 2010

Good Choices + Positive Outlooks

What I really need to do in life is make good choices, right? I am given a gift, an opportunity, an automatic left hand turn on a cross road intersection... and yet I go out of town and vaca for 2 days... I am off my normal eating good path. What the hell. I didn't eat the most perfect meals this weekend. I know right from wrong when I order dinner at a restaurant... but yet this little fatty girl who has such negative thoughts and resembles an older version of myself... sits on my shoulder and tells me "oh you are on vacation! Who cares about calories! What band?!" Then I order too much food and too much of crap. I know it isn't the end of the world but dammit I so just want to flick that little bugger off of my shoulder. Why does she haunt me so!?! Why does she want to sabotage my success.

I am tired of the old me, tired of that doubt.

I just read Amy's blog -slash- vlog this afternoon - you know Amy from Sunkist! (Luv yah girl!) And she was mentioning something in regards to a mental mind frame of her self thinner. She looks amazing but isn't at her goal just yet. What she is sayin' is totally true. A positive mind frame will only reap rewards. Right? Her post comes at a perfect time for me. Funny how that works. I think I really have get focus on that future me, picturing myself 10, 20, 30 pounds less. I never thought I would be 200 when I was 230... but now that I am here... I know I just gotta keep on going and know I can reach my goal of 150. It just isn't about dreaming about the "oh one day" It is about making it happen and making it REAL!

Goal for this week: I am going out of town for work. 3 days. Gotta be focused and make good travel food choices.

Weight for today: I didn't weigh myself this morning.

1 comment:

  1. It is hard when you travel; whether it is for fun or work. I think having a plan ahead of time helps the most. Just keep reminding yourself how far you have come. :) I'm newly banded, so not much help. I allow myself to have pretty much anything, but just a very small portion. (I went a little haywire over banana bread this weekend, but aside from that :) Have a safe and fun trip!
