Monday, June 21, 2010


I finally made it to loosing 30 pounds! I am so excited. It is perfect timing that I had a fill last week and reached my 8 months.

Since my fill last week, I finally get what everyone feels. I feel restriction and the feeling that I just couldn't eat any more food cause I AM FULL! What a great feeling. I wish I would of felt this a few months ago. But I can't think about the what-ifs. I am here in the present and gotta do what I need to be in ONEDERLAND! One more pound and I am there. It is an amazing feeling to be full thru the whole day and drinking water really has helped me. (Do you see the light bulb above my head)

Prior to stepping on the scale this morning for my weekly weigh in... I made a paper link chain. One of my friends had made me one many moons ago to count down the days till I got to go back home when I was home sick in college. It is a great way to get excited again... I am using it for my weight loss.

I made one pound, one link. Each link I wrote how much I would weigh and every 10 pounds I wrote a little motivational comment. I hung it around the door way.

Goal for this week: H20

Weight for today: 200


  1. That is absolutely fantastic! Way to motivate yourself with a great visual! I look forward to being there myself, I might even steal the link chain idea! :)

  2. Woo Hoo, 30 down is awesome, you are doing great! Happy 8 months, me too! I am so glad that you are feeling the restriction now! <3

  3. Congratulations. I think the paper chain is a great tool. You'll be in Onederland in no time.

  4. congrats!! great idea

  5. congrats you are on your way now! Restriction is an awesome thing.

  6. Loving the paper chain idea! And congrats on the 30lb weightloss

  7. You are so can see it! You will be there by the weekend at the latest!

    Love the paper chain idea! What a clever visual!
