Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Unlimited: Jillian Michaels

In between reading the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo series... to get back to real life and non suspenseful reading.... I needed a good book to help recharge my mindset. I am about half way thru the Unlimited book by Jillian Michaels. 

I thought it would be more about her views on fitness and health but it is somewhat of a self-help book. At first, I was thinking I didn't want to read a self help book. But as I was a few chapters in and I really got into it. It is an easy read and she is funny. She writes like she talks... She cusses... gives great references... She doesn't bullshit or talk in a round about way. I think this is a good book for those of us struggling with our inner selves.

I wouldn't really say I was struggling with myself but I do think this book comes into my life at a perfect time since I feel like I keep sabotaging my goals. I want to be 'this certain' person and I see her in the distance, I just need to get to her. Giving into my inner devil and eating french fries two times this week isn't going to get me there. One of JM's main focus is being positive and mediation. Now, I am not going to go prey/meditate/yoga pose myself into a pretzel anytime soon... but she is making some valid points and is making me think about my life.

She is making a huge impact on many people's lives just by being on BL. She is a great role model and her newest book is worth the read!


  1. Thanks for the great suggestion,and the review. I get scared that as I get closer to my goal I could be self-sabotaging. It's like when the biggest problem in my life is no longer my weight, then what else do I have to face? How will I face it? How will I have changed?

    Good luck with your situation.You are not alone.


  2. I'm glad you are finding some helpful suggestions in your book. You can do this. I know you can. You have come so far...and you are going to succeed.

    I just finished the last book in the Lisbeth Salander series. OMG...I just have to say I think the last book was the best one.

  3. I listened to about 4 hours of her podcasts yesterday. She does have a very good and different viewpoint and she makes me think...

  4. Thanks for the review! I'll have to put it on my reading list.

  5. Hello there! ! Newest follower here :) looking forward to reading more about your journey. You've done an amazing job thus far! Looking good! I love JM, so I will have to add this to my reading list!! Thanks for the review!
