Monday, July 11, 2011

Aloha Trimshapers!

While discussing all of the items we need to pack for our trip, I stated that when we get back that I needed to be really serious about losing some more weight. He then proceeded to say that he "has been hearing that for months and he will believe it when he sees it".

Ouch :(

But I guess the truth does hurt, in some way. I keep getting motivation for a few days then fall back into this lazy pattern and same old habits. So when we come back from our trip, I REALLY do have to prove him and myself that I have to keep with it. Man - Up time!

With that said... there are only a few more days until we leave. I am so f'ing excited. Excited to get away, but mainly just to have some quality time with my honey. What makes me even more excited is I found a few new bathing suits. I searched at sports stores, bathing suit stores, even high end bra stores... and nada. I was so pissed and really down on myself that I didn't want to blog last week. Then I remembered that JCPenny has good sales and large selections. I found 4 new suit items. 2 bottoms and 2 tops.

The tops I highly recommend for large busts or saggy tummies... They are call Trimshapers. Having a suit that holds it all in makes you feel great. Like wearing a camisole that is like a sports bra in one. Bisou Bisou also has large coverage for bottoms that are great too. Perfect for large butts and comfort. I usually defaulted and got bikini tops since I could get the bust support from them. But never felt great looking in them. Now, these trimshapers are AWESOME! So great I could even imagine walking around without a cover-up. No one would even know you had some saggies underneath!

So next time you hear from me I hope to be a bit tanner, get all of my poor eating out of my system... and onto a healthy mindset.


Goal for this week: Pack little, drink lots of water!

Weight for today: 200 lbs.

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