Monday, March 29, 2010

What is UP... I am!?!

Hold up, Hold up, wait a minute.... Did my scale really say 206 this morning! It must be broken or something is off. Is it the full moon? I am so upset. I do know our weight fluctuates from day to day but damn THAT MUCH! I am suppose to be going down not up. I for sure have to weigh myself again tomorrow just to make sure I am not tripping out. I even weighted myself two times this morning. Both stated 206. So sad.

I made it into the bikini!

(I really don't want to post this but I told myself I had too)

Girls weekend was fun. We laid at the pool and got some well needed sunshine. Gabbed and caught up with one another. We didn't eat too bad aside from sharing two desserts after dinner on Saturday night. One of my friends is doing NutriSystem and wants to stay on track as well. So we didn't go crazy with what we ate. Small sandwiches with fruit and veggies for lunch both days... then for dinner I had shrimp bisque, 6oz steak and a few sides. Nothing crazy. We also did a 4 mile brisk walk on Sunday morning before heading home.

As an update on how my body is changing... The hair loss, It has stopped falling out about a few weeks ago. Now the texture is starting to return to normal. I am so happy about this. It made me feel really self conscious about having hair all over the place. The new downer about losing weight is the firmness in my chest has gone down. Now the breasts don't choke me when I lay down on my back - they just drop to the sides. Think of deflated balloons. AHH! They have shrunk so much that the skin hasn't. Nothing that a great bra won't fix but still makes me feel kinda old.

I went shopping for some new clothes. I got two pairs of shorts. size 15 juniors and size 14W in adults. I also got two summer dresses. I know I can't fit into all of size 14 clothes since none of the pants fit that I had tried on. But I know in due time that will come.... now I shall curse the damn scale until it goes back down to where I want it to be.

Goal for this week: See if my scale is broken by weighing myself everyday this week

Weight for today: 206 (Argh Did I really put that!)


  1. You look great! Way to go!

  2. you look great! Cute suit, where is it from?

  3. love that suit!! and you really look great.. i've never worn a two piece's up there on my "to-do" list after dropping some lbs!


  4. Oh to be so young and cute and well, firm.

    You look AMAZING. Own it!

