Friday, April 2, 2010

My 1st Spin Class

The sight of my bikini photo in my blog lead me to this!

I have been mentally preparing for this for awhile now. I finally got enough courage to go to a Spin Bike class at the gym last night. I wasn't really nervous, I just questioned if I could keep up. In fact, not only did I keep up but when the thinner people in my class were tired and they stopped - I just kept following the instructor. I took the bike that was right in front of the instructor so I could pay attention the whole time. And mimic what she was doing. Granted out of the two Spin instructors at the gym, her class isn't always as full as the other class. I think it is because she doesn't push as hard. She is more of the beginner class. Perfect for me until I get the hang of things with my form and seat placement.

So glad I did it. Next time will only be easier.

(As a side note: I finally went to the Yoga class. But the instructor didn't show up on Tuesday when I went. So lame, didn't even call to cancel the class either. I was bummed. Maybe next week I can go to the Monday class.)

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