Thursday, January 7, 2010

"P" is for Protein!

Since I was really concerned about me not loosing any weight for a certain amount of time I asked my NP at the Surgeons office today... I asked them what I am doing wrong and how to use "my tool" to the best of its ability. I am almost 3 months from surgery and only negative 20. I think it should be more.... greedy, I know.

In a lump sum.... I am not getting 60 grams of protein a day... this is why I am hungry. Ding! My light bulb finally went on! I am eating way too much and eating proteins that have to much fat or carbs attached to them. I should only be eating proteins and veggies.

Breakfast: Protein Shake
Lunch: Nectar Whey Protein Water Drink Mix & a small yogurt or cottage cheese
Dinner: Lean meat and Veggie

I should be drinking 3 servings of the Nectar Mix to get all 60 grams of protein. Per serving it is 25 grams. Which means if I have 3 per day I will be above the minimum 60 grams at 75 grams. This will make me feel full and longer. Any additional food proteins after that are just a bonus.

So if I get it right next week should be a negative number. Fingers crossed! Thank you for those who have commented.

On a side note:
I hooked up the WiiFit last night. I am going to get some Yoga on and test out The Biggest Looser Wii Board Training Game. That will be my activities for non-gym days... 30 minutes and testing! Plus going to the gym is getting competitive with my boyfriend. I can lift more if not the same as him. Wow, I didn't realize how strong I am. (Must be all those years of carrying so much weight on my body)


  1. Hope this helps you! Some days I feel like I don't get my protein in and do need to do better about protein shakes

  2. Getting protein in will probably help but I'm kinda worried that you are not eating anything solid all day (just shakes) and then only eating dinner. Is that how you normally eat? maybe not having anything sitting on your vegas nerve for a while is the problem?

    Additionally-did they give you a fill when you went into the office last time? Every single time I have had a stall the only thing to really get it moving again has been a fill. I find that lack of restriction creeps up on me and I think I am restricted enough but a ways down the road I will be hit with a rock on my brain and think...hang on a minute I am not supposed to be able to eat this (either quantity or an item I am eating and should not be).

    I hope this helps or gets you thinking anyway.

  3. Hi there! :) Protein is really important. And, the more active you are, the more you need. A general rule of thumb is to find your "lean weight" (total weight minus bodyfat weight..if you know that can find online tools to estimate it). If you are totally inactive.....multiply that number by .7 and that is how many grams of protein you need a day. If you are very very active, then multiply it by 1.2 and that is how many grams you should get. If you are somewhere in between....then multiply it by the number between .7 and 1.2 that makes sense.

    Weight loss is only going to come if you are expending more calories than you take in. Using or another site like that is a good way to track it. Also....lifting weights totally revs up your metabolism and can cause increased fat loss.

    Hang in there....I am sure the scale will move soon!
