Monday, January 18, 2010

Gold Stars

Last week I had changed my diet to be really, really focused on Proteins. It is working. I lost 2 pounds this week. Whoo hooo. So happy the scale moved. It was getting very frustrating having it not move for so long. Some days were harder than others but drinking the protein water really helps fill you up and for long periods of time. The days I drank less water were the harder days.

Still losing my hair. It is most noticeable to me along my temple areas but no one really notices. I hope it doesn't last too long and I start to see the new hairs growing in.

Going to the gym is getting easier! I never thought I would of said that I look forward to it but some days I really do. I know that no matter what kind of day that I had, that within 10 minutes being there nothing else matters but my work out. I feel so much better and proud of myself when I am done. Last week, I ran a whole mile without stopping. I was shocked I could do that. Well each time at the gym since then I have tried to run that same distance. Out of three times, I was only able to do it once. I think since I had been doing weight training harder on those days that my body was just so tired. Cause I truly tried to run as far as I could. I like to go on a tread mill next to someone who is running as a similar pace. It helps to get in sync with that person and run together. I use them for motivation. I focus on their steps and zone out. I just look forward and keep telling myself to run until the end of each song on my ipod. It works so far. I would really like to find a trail or loop to try to run near me. Maybe I could run longer with not being stationary on a treadmill.

My personal trainer who use to weight 240 pounds and now is average size told me that even now after being thin for so many years, she puts Foil Stars on her calendar on days she is proud of herself (eating good, working out). So since the new year I started to put stars on the days I am active (gym or WiiFit). It really helps motivate you when you see that more days have stars on them than not.

Goals for this week: Keep on running! Find trails!

Weight for today: 208


  1. What a great idea with the gold stars!!

  2. You are doing great with your workouts!! And losing the weight too!

    As for the hair loss, I too have have it. It was falling out at an alarming rate! And since I have super thin, baby fine hair, I couldn't afford to lose anymore than was necessary.

    I started using the Nioxin Shampoo therapy treatments & I noticed a difference in the second treatment! It is expensive, but it is working for me.

  3. That is great that you can run a mile without stopping! I just started week three of C25K and I thought I was going to die when I had to run for three minutes straight! But, I did and I completed the first day of week three - I will put a star on my calendar!

    Great job and keep on running!
