Monday, February 28, 2011

"Very New York"

Had an amazing weekend and I am not paying for it at all. I had a huge family event with a lot of out of town family and a wedding. It was so much fun but of course revolves around food... like most family events can.

I ate out most of the weekend and yet I did okay with what I ate. I think. Friday I ate a brewery and I had salad, veggies and 3 ribs. I have the hardest time not drinking ice tea or water when I am eating out. Everyone else has a drink and it just a habit hard to break. Saturday was my free day off of no carbs. Didn't go hog wild and ate pretty decent until dinner. The wedding I went to was Italian-ish so they served the dishes family style and were all pastas. The dinner portion control was up to me and I did great by only putting small amounts of each. I even ate gelato. I had to stop there since even thought it was GREAT it upset my stomach. I got ahead of myself. Sunday was followed up with a family brunch. Amazing spread and amazing bread pudding. I ate too much and didn't eat the remaining of the day. It is amazing how much more I can eat when  drink with a meal. It is a killer for a bandster! Made up for any wrong choices by dancing my butt of at the wedding and making sure I went to the gym before going to do family events.

The best thing that happened this weekend was not only feeling in control of what I was eating. But the complements I kept getting. About my glasses, hair, skin, weight loss, and how beautiful I looked. Some of the people I saw this weekend had't seen me in over a year so some were excited and shocked I lost weight. One of my cousin's who is into fashion told me I looked  'Very New York'. I will take that complement. Anyone I talked to had gave me a complement. This NEVER happens. It felt AWESOME! Just gives me a little boost to keep on truckin' and working on myself.

The Spanx helped too.... my first ever owned. It kept me warm in the low temps and rainy weather. Gave me a bit of confidence by sliming all the curves out. No lines. Didn't know they were crotchless either! Scandalous Spanx designers!

My goal I had last made was to loose 10 pounds by this date. I didn't do it. But with the no-carb diet I think I have slimming down. It gives the illusion I lost some but it was more inches than anything. I am going to keep up with the no-carb for 6 days on - 1 day off. It is giving me a lot more energy. Can't get lazy - I am on a roll.

Goal for this week: Gotta get back to taking my vitamins!

Weight for today: 197

1 comment:

  1. You look fabulous! :) I'm so glad you go lots of lovely compliments!
