Tuesday, February 1, 2011

On The Right Track

Last week I was very sick with the stomach flu and lost 7 pounds but now that my body is back to normal I am at 195.6. This is a perfect 5 pounds and I don't mind the 2 pound weight gain. It is most likely water weight since I can actually keep stuff down. Plus with my period, it may go back down when I am done. The big picture is that the scale is moving and that is awesome. My fill really did help and it is giving me back the power to stay full. I do miss that feeling. It is nice to have it again.

Now that I am getting my strength back, I have been pushing myself at the gym more. I don't have much of a difference from my strength that I did 1 year ago. In fact I would say that I am not as strong as I was even 6 months ago. I go thru phases where I want to do more cardio and/or weights. Right now I am really enjoying the balance I have of 1 hour of cardio 3x's per week, 1 hour of Spin Class, 1.5hours 3x's per week of Weights. I am not getting bored with this routine either. I am contemplating attending the kick boxing class or getting back into the pool once a week. Kick Boxing burns mass calories thru cardio, but I do love swimming since I used to be part of the swim team in junior high and high school (many moons ago). This past Sunday I did cardio mixed with squats - lets just say I am STILL sore 2 days later. The past two weekends we have gone on 10 mile bike rides on Saturday mornings. It is relaxing to do something outdoors with my boyfriend instead of going to the gym for our exercise.

I am noticing that even with the little bit of weight I have lost - I do feel it in my clothes and I see it in the mirror.

I feel more control of what I am eating and I am making more of a mental note of less carbs now that I am reading The 4 Hour Body(see last post). Worth the purchase so far.

Goal for this week: Kick boxing, Swim or Bike longer?

Weight for today: 195.6
(If I loose 5 more pounds that puts me HALF way to GOAL!)


  1. Sorry you were sick, but at least the weight loss is a small consolation. Congrats to almost half way.

  2. Glad to see you feeling better and AWESOME about the weight loss!
