Tuesday, February 22, 2011

No Carbs: Week 2

The past two weeks I have been doing my no carb diet and it is proving to be a good thing. I thought I would feel like I was suffering or crazy at some point. The scale moved down a lot the first week to 194 but this week it is back up to 198. I think I am in my cycle soon. But the BIGGEST difference is that my pants are looser and my scale states my fat percentage and that is even going down. I notice my thighs and waist are slimming down. It is a great feeling. My body is changing even if the number on the scale isn't. My tummy is getting flatter, My muffin tops are gone, my face is slimming down.... I am going to do this for another 2 weeks.

6 days of no-carb, 1 day a free day.

I realized this past week:
1. Having a free day/Eating un healthy foods and going to the gym can't happen in the same day. I felt so sluggish and was tired really quick.

2. Learning to listen to my body and having more energy when doing no carbs is great! I push myself harder at the gym. I don't get tired.

3. The hardest thing the past two weeks was to resist having my morning Chai or Mocha. I am addicted to having something. It is loaded with sugar and is just bad in so many ways. Must resist!

4. I also have a serious sweet tooth since being banded. I can't give in - if not it ends up bad and I eat something way to sugary. There were a few occasions I gave in.

Goal for this week: Keep up this motivation!

Weight for today: 198

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