Monday, January 17, 2011

Negative Support

I really hate it when someone knows you are trying to loose weight and they comment on what you eat, ate or will be eating.... then ask you to dinner to junk food or asks you if you want to go for ice cream.

Like judging eyes when you eat a small bit of bread while you wait for your meal to be served at a restaurant or if you ordered something that isn't as healthy. "You know you shouldn't be eating that if you want to loose weight."

OR....  Even worse when you get the up and down look, then they ask... "Have you lost any weight lately?"

What kind of support is that!?! 

In a way, I want to eat another piece of freaking bread slathered in butter just to piss them off. I hate being told what to do. I hate being judged for little things. Like I need to be regulated. That isn't how you support a loved one.

Someone so close to me should not judge, someone who should be supporting me with positivity, someone who should love me as I am, someone who has never dieted in their life never understands.

Sure I am a foodie, I love food, I love the way certain food tastes, I love cooking, I enjoy it, but that doesn't mean I obsess about it like I used to. I have control. Shit, I am 32 years old and I am being talked to like a child.

I don't get it. Sigh...

Goal for this week: Don't sweat the little stuff

Weight for today: 198.8

p.s. I think my goal form last week was to be positive. Sorry for my rant.


  1. You have a total right to rant. The food police suck - especially when it is someone close to you. You really need to let him/her know how you feel otherwise sooner or later you will explode.

  2. Ah yes the food police! Tell them how you feel before it gets out of hand. In a nice way - if there is a nice way.

    Goodluck on your goal for this week - that is a motto I try to live by - easier said than done though!

  3. First, I LOVE your dress in your progress photo, so cute!

    Second, I am not sure who this person is that is being so judgmental, but I would like to call them an idiot - but I don't want to hurt your feelings! You have every right to feel upset and you certainly can rant - that's one of the great things about blogging!

    I agree with the ladies above - a calm conversation should happen. Maybe this person doesn't even realize how their attitude affects your attitude. Sometimes people that are close to us feel that they are being helpful - it's their way of making sure you stay on top of this band thing. The band can be somewhat unrelatable (is that a word) to people who don't have it. <3
