Thursday, January 13, 2011

I Used To Be Fat > MTV Show

Okay, So last night in my Nyquil induced comma I had a dream I was being perused by one of the guys from Jersey Shore! I think his name is Ronnie. Maybe he will get in a fight for me? Oh reality TV - How it sucks us in!

It must of been because I saw him on an infomercial for a weight loss program in the wee hours of the night. Maybe he will help motivate me? Oh reality TV - How it shows Americans are crazy and uneducated!

It also oddly made me think of MTV's other show 'I Used To Be Fat'.

Has anyone seen this show? It is pretty crazy how much weight these kids loose within one summer. Umph, a little less bitching for me - I need some of their motivation...

Here is a summary from MTV's website:

College is all about reinvention. It's a time in a teen's life where they can leave behind all of the preconceived notions people had about them in high school and start fresh. Unless they're massively overweight. 

'I Used To Be Fat' is a new documentary series profiling teenagers desperate to shed their unwanted pounds before heading off to school. We'll send a weight loss guru to work with each person and they'll go through rigorous fitness regimens and work with experts to learn how to change the habits that caused them to gain so much weight. 

Each one-hour episode will focus on a different student, following them from the last weeks of high school to the first crucial days of college, and giving viewers an inspirational and intimate account of their emotional and physical transformation, as they struggle to change their attitudes, eating habits, and ultimately their lives. 

But this summer is about more than just losing weight for these teens -- it's also about figuring out who they are and who they want to be. It's time for them to stop leaning on mom and dad and to learn to stand on their own two feet. It's a chance for them to realize that if they don't take charge of their lives now, they never will. 

Throughout each show, viewers will witness how each teen's life and view of the world starts to change as they start to lose weight, and they'll see them when they debut their new look -- and their new outlook -- on their first day of college.

At the end of each episode, we'll catch up after a few months of college to see where they are now. Have they kept the weight off or gained it back? Is college life what they'd dreamed it would be? And what will their families and friends say when they see them again? 

Some will lose the weight. Others will fail. But either way, this will be the most important summer of their lives.


If you haven't watched it yet - Do it. It is an hour of TV you will want to watch and learn from or relate to - unlike Jersey Shore.

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