Monday, August 16, 2010

Try Harder Dammit!

Last night I was thinking about what to write about in the blog for this week. I didn't want to write about being down on myself for the scale telling me I am back at 204 and no period to be the reason. It never came. But instead my new book got me thinking. I am reading Eat Pray Love. I am about 50 or so pages into it. It is about self discovery while this woman travels. I am sure there is more to the story but I am just starting this read.

In the book she talks about meeting someone who gives her a drawing of what came from a prayer. It was of a 4 legged person, with no head but flowers coming from the spot where a head should be, then in place of the heart there was a happy face. It basically represented being steady on your feet, making your heart happy first, then to not think with your head. (If that at all made any sense.)

Didn't really hit me at first, but then I was thinking about my blog and me not being where I am wanting to be weight wise. Then it dawned on me that I am over thinking and second guessing myself. I am thinking too much with my head and not my heart. My head tells me things I shouldn't do, snacking, liquid calories, being lazy. But my heart tells me I need to be strong, push myself and make right food choices for my future. Things that seem very obvious but I have gotten off track the past few weeks and it is time to take a few steps back and make better choices.

For me.
For my happy heart.
For who I want to be.

As a follow up to the iphone food log app. I am very good about typing in all of my food and exercise. It has really helped to have easy access to track my ins and outs. Since I have started I have gained back 4 pounds. I have basically exceeded my calories 8 out of 10 entry.

No more:
Starbucks Soy Chai
sneaking M&M candies
snacking thru the day
liquid calories
junk food
mushy food
ice cream

Goals For This Week: Try harder Dammit!

Weight For Today: 204.6


  1. maybe the food logging isnt working? Do you think so? or do you need a fill? or something else?

    I am reading Eat Pray Love too...I am not totally with the stop thinking and start feeling scenario but I am sticking with it for now. If you read into what she wrote as stop obsessing that might be more along the lines of a lesson I can roll with.
