Monday, July 26, 2010

Whats and Buts

I feel bigger than what I look like.


When I see myself in the mirror I see no change most days - I see the fat version of myself. Yep, I am really saying that. But then I look at photos of myself and I don't really look as big as what I think I am. It is so crazy how my own perception of myself is totally off. I am not sure why our mind tricks us.... how it makes us doubt ourselves, how that little devil kickin' it on our shoulder takes over, but most of all why are we so hard on ourselves.

I am enjoying my new body. I am enjoying shopping way too much. I am enjoying complements looks and smiles. I am overall very happy with who I am today. I love my new hair cut.


I am not happy with my progress when I compare my success to other bandsters. I keep going to Starbucks for a morning Chai, sometimes even getting a doughnut. I hate my super sweet tooth I now have. I see saggy boobs. I see a gut pooching out. I see a sag of skin under my chin that use to be my double chin. I see so many things that are negative that I wish I didn't have.

How do we change our own perception of ourselves?
How do you turn the negative switch to a positive?

Goal for this week: Think Positive - Think Progress - Think Thin!

Weight for today: 201


  1. You are not alone. I think all of us who lose weight have trouble with what we really look like. Heck..maybe everyone does? I am going to talk it over with my surgeon the next time I see him and perhaps have a psych visit about it. It bugs me too.


  2. I feel the same way sometimes. One thing I do is as soon as I feel fat, I really force myself to see the changes. I focus in on my waist because that seems to be the place that I have had the most noticeable loss. It really does work - your goal for this week is an excellent starting point. Plus, look how close you are to 199! You are doing an amazing job. I know it is so easy to compare yourself to other people's success, but it is not going to do you any good. This is YOUR journey and I personally think you are rocking it!

    As far as your Starbucks kick - I am not sure how bad a Chai is, but maybe you can find a replacement? Every morning I have an Iced Skim Latte - very low in calories and no fat. However; I don't have a huge sweet tooth, so not putting sugar in the drink may be difficult for you... <3
