Monday, August 29, 2011

Working Back To Me

Happy people are people that work out! That is totally true. I am back at the gym and it feels great. I feel less stressed and when I am in the gym... it is all about that moment. No bullshit about my personal life or work. It is a place to escape. I am working my way back into getting into that work out mode and making sure I push myself to get back to where I was. I have to work around my injury and not over strain myself. Easy to say. Hard to do. I know that having a month off was not good. I am not starting over with my endurance but I can definitely feel a difference. I know being injured play a huge roll in that but not being active for a whole month... I enjoyed it but I missed my gym time.

I took my second yoga class at my gym. It was many moons ago I took the class. Last time It kicked my ass and wasn't relaxing at all. I think it was because of the instructor was just about the moves and not the stretching and breathing. The class this time was taught by some one my own age and actually took the time to stretch into the positions. The hour went by very quick but I am sure not as limber as I once was. The perfect person to me that I want to be in life is a limber one. I want to be one of those women who can touch their toes and stretch in a downward dog. Me, today, not that person. I am stiff as a stick. I am more focused on trying to follow along than doing the pose right. I really need to practice and work at my flexibility.

I have my first acupuncture session this week! Scared but excited to see if it can help me bring down my blood pressure. I will post if something interesting happens. With trying to chill the F out... I am also trying to learn more about meditation. I don't have a prayer spot just yet. But just reading up on the how-to-do-it. Does anyone else do meditation? I have a few free books on my Kindle that I have started to read. I've got my ambient music ready to go. I just get so tense and internally stressed that I get frustrated, irritated, snippy or build it up to the point I cry. This isn't good. It isn't me. I don't want to be a worry-wart or someone ready to snap. The interesting thing about my journey is that I have feelings now. Before I guess I just played along and masked them with food. Now, I get stressed and worry a lot. I worry about things that aren't even in my own control. I really hope meditation will get me focused and back to my easy going self.


  1. good for you..I have slipped this summer. We are walking but not riding or anything more strenuous. Good luck with those endorphins and momentum!

  2. Luckily flexibility can come back, you just have to continue to work at it! I am so glad you are back at the gym and feeling better. I am trying to get back too! We can do it! <3
