Monday, August 15, 2011

Man Up.

I have kept up with my no carb rule until Saturday and Sunday. I did really well by not letting it get me down and make me feel like I have failed my whole no carb rule. I ate a small amount.

Saturday was meant to be a 'free' day since I wanted to make a breakfast that had potatoes in it for my bf. So I ate a small amount of potatoes and then late night we had chocolate covered strawberries. Not too bad right? But my 'free' day turned into two days. Sunday I also ate some carb items too. I had a cinnamon roll and then later for dinner I ate part of a bread roll that came as side.  I should of asked for the fruit side but it is sometime just automatic to go for the 'bad' choice. I have to make more aware choices to rule out all of the little things since in the long run it can add up. Still learning. I think I did really well for being out of town for the weekend and not going crazy and letting one bad choice ruin the remaining day.

I made our meals very healthy this past weekend. Granted my bf eats white rice with every meal. It used to temp me all of the time since we ate a lot of the same things. But being the cook - you are in charge. Now, If he wants rice, he has to make it. That is the new rule. So when we travel we bring a mini rice cooker so he can make his rice. I used to have to make it on the stove-top since he didn't know how. But I have out smarted him and bought him the mini travel rice cooker. It is really mini. It only makes like 2 cups of cooked rice each time. It works perfectly for one person and I wont feel obligated to eat the rice to not waste it. It is a win-win situation!

This week will be a good one. ..I am going back to the gym! I have to! I feel so lazy that I haven't worked out because of my bum leg. I can still work out but maybe just not as hard with cardio or my leg workout. I need to work around it. I miss the gym and I feel overall so much better. I know it will be hard at first... but with my new work out shirt motivating me... I will be just fine!

Tomorrow I go back onto my 3 day cleanse. Protein shakes and fruit/veggies. Then to continue the no carb plan for the remaining of the month. My birthday is at the end of the month and I would love to be back at the gym full time and into my perfect routine. I am going to stay focused and positive. Again, I am going to stay focused and positive!

Goal for the week: Gym time!

Weight for today: 199.0

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