Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Make It Count!

Things I have realized since I have started to use my BodyMedia Fit arm band:

  1. If I drink 2 full bottles of water I will reach the suggested water intake of 8 glasses of water a day.
    That isn't that bad.
  2. Drinking from a straw really does help!
    No joke - Try it!
  3. I eat way to many carbs, sodium, and fats.
    Damn pie charts showing me the truth!
  4. The days I work out I am 'on a weight loss trend' according to the BodyMedia footnotes.
    This is great!
  5. The days I do not work out I am 'on a weight gain trend' according to the BodyMedia footnotes.
    I guess I need to do something everyday to balance out what I am eating and not burning off.
  6. I love seeing the calories burned bar charts. It shows you what level of fitness and how much you push yourself.
    Umph My Spin class is only a moderate level when it is that suck ass instructor I go to. When I jogged outside it was vigorous levels!?!
  7. I really need to limit my Starbucks drinks to nothing!
    If I have one it makes me want more the rest of the week.
  8. I have to stick to a completely NO carb diet. I feel better. I see results.
    I gotta get back on track to 6 days on and 1 day off. It was great.
  9. I love making lists!
    From to-do's, grocery lists, taking notes, you name it - I have a list for it!

So... what I need to do with logging my foods and exercise on the BodyFit media arm band, I also need to keep up with my increased water intake, Go back to The 4 Hour Body diet of 6 days on and 1 day off, and be active everyday and MAKE IT COUNT! Time to stop talking about it and just do the dang thing!

Goal for this week: Stick my money where my mouth is!

Weight for today: 199.6 lbs.

1 comment:

  1. At least you know what it is you need to do. I like that.
