Monday, March 7, 2011

Seeing Results

Follow up on The 4hour body Slow Carb diet:
It is becoming easier to stick to the no-carbs than I thought. I like having the free day once a week. It makes me feel like I am not suffering or suppressing any major cravings. Granted I do give into having soy milk and my morning Chai or Mocha. If I don't have one in the morning it isn't life or death now. I am realizing this. Sounds kind of lame but stopping a daily habit is hard to break. Especially one that tastes so good on a cold morning.

Since my first PB last week, I am also eating slower. Thinking about the texture and if I really need to eat it. Doing this No-Carb plan is really helping me regain control. Making me think about what I am eating. PLUS I am seeing major results. My thighs, arms, chest and tummy are getting smaller. I see the results in less than 2 weeks! It is much easier to keep doing this when you see the difference.

I checked the ship date on my BodyMedia arm band and it states it should arrive by Thursday. I am very excited to get to using it. I am very curious to see what the difference is on my calories burned and logging my food thru this program versus the generic Tap&Track I log thru now. Sometimes I feel that the calories aren't accurate to my eating and cardio. I plan to get every penny worth of this Bodymedia band. Making it a good habit!

Goal for this week: Argh, I suck at taking my vitamins! I have to be better at this!

Weight for today: 197

1 comment:

  1. Let us know how you like your BodyMedia!
