Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Thank Goodness!

This past weekend I went out of town for a trip up to the local mountains. A weekend trip to relax and enjoy some time with the boyfriend. Sure we did tons of relaxing... but we also did tons of eating! I made pretty healthy meals but my mistake was making cupcakes and chocolate covered strawberries. Just too much temptation.

Since we ate our way thru the weekend we put our gym clothes on before driving home - that way we would be forcing ourselves to hit the gym before finally returned home. We made it but we were tired from the drive. Once done, I was just proud of myself for not bitching about going and that I pushed myself hard while there... The thought of the cupcakes and the sick feeling I got of how much I ate was a real motivator.

When I got back I had to force myself to weigh in on my weekly weigh in's. I knew I had to weigh in since I had not in two weeks. (I loath the scale recently) To my surprise it did! The scale finally moved... down... two pounds! Amazing! It is very encouraging when the scale is on my side. It has recharged me. Things are lookin' good.

Goal for this week: Do more cardio!

Weight for today: 205

1 comment:

  1. I bet you would have eaten a lot more before the band. Glad the scale gave you a break. You probably weren't as "bad" as you thought. I mean, strawberries aree a fruit. : )
