Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I have bones

Yeah, you heard me BONES! I have bones... many of them that I didn't even realize I had... cheek, chin, collar, shoulder, wrist, forearm, rib, hip, and down to my toes. It is a bizarre feeling since it has been so long since I have felt them. Knew they were in there somewhere. Oh, bones, oh how I have missed you so!

Since my fill last week I have felt fuller quicker and have not ate as much. I needed that little bit of a fill. I guess this is what I should of been feeling all along. It is just finding the right adjustment for me. I think when I have my appointment in one more month that I will want to add more in my band though. I keep reading about how certain bloggers feel that they found their "sweet spot". I am almost there. But just having that little 1cc makes a big difference already. Need to eat slower and eat more proteins - follow the plan so I make better choices for myself.

I finally went out an purchased clothes. I needed pants the most. I found a pair of 14 slacks. Yeah sweet 14s.... I don't think I would be able to fit into all 14s but my size 16 jeans are loosening up. I am becoming one of those people who buy clothes in the regular woman's section - not plus size. I didn't even bother looking in that area. I even picked up a few items from the juniors section.

Goal for this week: Eat slower! Chew! Chew! Chew!

Weight for today: Haven't weighted myself in 2 weeks now. Maybe I will have the courage when I get home later today.


  1. I love your intro !! and good for you major kudos for saying goodbye forever to the plus size dept !!!

  2. Isn't that the best! When I lost weight way back then I thought I had cancer because I felt these lumps under my arms. Turned out, they were my bones. Who knew? : )

  3. Hey,
    Did I see you at the meeting for banded, 30-something, SD, graphic designer women with iPhones? Oh, wait I'm not banded yet so they wouldn't let me in. But I will be in 5 days. Small world indeed! I too go to the Scripps Clinic in Del Mar. My surgeon is Mark Takata. Funny I have a similar poster of the Andy Warhol image (like in a previous post of yours) on my wall in my office. Mine says "art is what you can get away with."

    Congrats on finding your bones! My doctor says I have them too, but I just don't know where I put them. Oh well.
