Monday, November 2, 2009

Week Two

I am on the path to getting healthy. I still cough a bit but I am somewhat feeling normal again. My antibiotics are done with and so that means I can not say I am sick anymore! I really want my lung strength to come back so I can go for longer walks or even to the gym. I don't have a trainer appointment until next week. So by then I gotta get some activity in there so I can feel productive with my recovery.

My biggest struggle this past week has been social. Attending two birthday parties and Halloween has made it difficult. I think the social aspect of things will be the hardest for me since I am on liquids until my doctors appointment on Nov 16th. Gessh, The Pressure! I have stayed pretty good except I ate a few bites of icing off of a birthday cake, a Starbucks soy chai and a piece of spam. I ended up feeling guilty and like crap after eating those things.

I don't get the same kinda hunger as I once did. I don't get hunger pains or a rumbling really... I seem to get light headed and no amount of water makes it go away. It feels like someone is pressing against my head with two hands. Odd! Since I can't tell when I am hungry or really how long I can go without eating... I am still trying to figure out how my body is reacting... I get light headed or grumpy and need to eat. I think I am pushing it to far. I also got a bacterial infection from my pneumonia antibiotics. I think my body is going thru so much it can't handle the simple things.

On a positive note: Since I have lost 13 pounds so far, my smallest jeans don't fit anymore. I can pull them off without having to unbutton them. Good thing I have a few dresses for work I can wear. It is a great feeling to have clothes be too big instead of too small. The bummer part is right before I was approved for my banding, I gave up thinking I would ever fit into certain clothes and I donated a bunch of things. All of my smaller jeans, shirts and bras that I never wore. My current wardrobe is size 18-20. Looks like I will have to shop for some cheep transition clothes.

This coming week's goal is to drink more water.

Weight for today: 217 (I passed the 10 pound mark and I didn't even know it!)

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