Tuesday, May 3, 2011

In the Right Direction

Today is a great day, I am down a few pounds from last week. I weighted in today at 196.4! This is such a great feeling to see the scale moving and to see in my BodyFit Media log that when it states "weight loss trend" that it really is accurate. Yey me! 

Since my last post I have been on a no carb plan. Which means so no bread/white carbs and limited my fruit intake. But I figured that eating fruit is a must and even though the 4 hour Body suggests no fruit. I well, have been eating some fruit here and there. I made it thru most of the last week without carbs.. except for Saturday's Cinco de Mayo celebration festival. I ate a whole basket full of tortilla chips with salsa and a rolled taco. I also celebrated with a Mango margarita. I only had one. But the next day I went right back to no carbs.

Yesterday I received my Shakeology shipment. I ordered Chocolate and Greenberry mixes. Granted it was not cheap to buy both. But I wanted to be able to not get bored with only one flavor. They are about $110 each for 30 servings. I might need to limit myself with these shakes so I can make them last longer. But we will see how it goes. The company you buy these shake mixes from match you up with a Beach Body Coach. Mine, happens to be someone I know. Its kinda like an Avon rep. ha ha ha Anyhow she suggested I do a cleanse right when I first start drinking these shakes. I had been wanting to do a cleanse anyhow .... so why not use something that I already have. It consists of 1 shake 3x's a day, with fruits/veggies/nuts for snacks. Today is my first day. Sounds easy enough.

I saw my general doctor last week for an annual. Joy. She was very concerned with my blood pressure. It was at Stage 2 levels. Wholly Shit! Not good. I have to monitor it for 3 weeks and then go back to her for a follow up. The reason why she didn't put me on meds right then and their was that I told her I didn't want to be on any meds again. I have worked really hard to not be that unhealthy person anymore. Going back on BP meds is a slap in the face. I know it would only be temporary but it is my pride. I have monitored my BP for one week - it is high. I might just have to suck it up. But I have 2 more weeks to keep tracking it so maybe it will turn in my favor. I have been going to this doctor for a few years now, she is nice, always seems in a hurry... but once i told her I was considering weight loss surgery - she proceeded to ask me a bunch of questions about if it is right for me or not. Each time I am there she asks me questions about how things are going. Her tone when she asks me questions, I get the feeling she is anti-weight loss surgery. I just tell her how happy I am and i feel it was the right choice for me. Then she moves onto the next subject. Interesting. So with my blood pressure, I hope to have it under control and stop stressing about and being a worry wart. I worry about everything and anything - even things that are out of my control. Lately it has been mainly with work projects and a few things in my personal life.

Goal for this week : Finish cleanse and keep up with water

Weight for today: 196.4

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