Monday, May 9, 2011

Shootin' Hoops and Eatin' Dogs

Things are definitely going in the right direction for not just one week but now 2 weeks.... I am keeping up with my new protein shakes. I managed to get a 3-day cleanse in - even thought I did it wrong. I will need to do it over again. But having a thicker shake instead of the usual protein shakes I was drinking is really helping me stay focused, full and motivated. Three things that are a must! I plan to do the 'real' cleanse in a few weeks. I am really being diligent about sticking under my 1300 calorie diet.

As for the working out, I am pushing myself harder at the gym still. I started to do running intervals to increase my heart rate and burn higher calories. It helps! Plus it keeps me from getting bored on the treadmill. I keep attending the Tuesday Spin class even though the instructor sucks. I just do what I feel is right when she does something that isn't correct. I also take what she is doing and push myself harder or add more resistance. So far so good. It is kicking my ass and I am am honestly there for ME not the instructor... so I have to do my part. I don't see how an instructor who is so bad has a prime time for her class... 6:15pm on weekdays!?! 

Funny work out story.... My boyfriend asked me to shoot hoops with him at the gym before going to run on treadmills. Well short version.... I ended up with getting hit with the basketball as it came down rebounding off the rim... TO MY FACE.... right between the eyes as I was looking up. I was trying to get the 1st ball that was shot since we were rotating between the 2 basketballs - not seeing he had already thrown the 2nd ball.... Luckily it didn't break my $400 pair of glasses just slammed against face instead! I have a swollen face right between the eyes, bump on my nose and 2 black eyes. And yes, I cried like a baby in public. It hurt that bad but the story is pretty funny today.

I was able to climb the steep stairs at the baseball stadium all the way up to our nose bleed seats without panting! I also was able to walk all around downtown that night without being tired. We walked over 12,000 steps! I wore my BodyMedia arm band to the game.... so I can count how much we walked per hot dog, 1 cup of nachos and 3 light beer consumed. It seemed to balance out since I didn't gain anything on my weight in this morning. The guy next to me asked why I was eating my hot dog so slow. I literally took 10 minutes to eat it. Granted, I was savoring it and all its calories... but I was having a hard time eating it without some resistance to my band. Think it was the bread. Since I didn't want to blurt out that I was having this problem... I just told him that since I had been thinking about the damn hot dog and having one a the game all day - that I wanted to savor it so it would last. Then he proceeds to tell me recently entered a hot dog eating contest but lost!?!

I needed this crazy chaos and fun since I have been so stressed with work and I need to chill the hell out so my blood pressure can go down. Yoga anyone?

Goal for this week: Keep it up and void playing basketball with my face!

Weight for today: 197.4

1 comment:

  1. If I had been at the gym I would have cried laughing. That is the funniest. Glad that things are going in the right direction for you. Keep it up and keep us posted.
