Wednesday, December 21, 2011

X-Ray Live Recording

Monday I checked into the hospital to get my fill done under the X-ray. Before I had it done where they insert the needle into your side to do the fill right after you drink contrast fluid. They watch it live on a monitor so they know they have the right amount and flow of the fluid versus the amount in the new fill. It was really cool last time since it was live feed and I could watch. Granted I didn't look at the larger needle they stuck in my side. As long as I am numbed I am fine with all of this.

This time I didn't have the fill done as I thought I was going to have done that day. I was taken to the X-ray room where they took one still image of my mid-section. Then angled the table so I am basically standing up with the video machine in front of me. I drank the fluid - let gravity do it's thing while they recorded the fluid moving thru my throat into stomach. I had to angle myself a few different ways and drink more contrast fluids. This time it was a thick white creamy paste like drink since I am allergic to contrast dye. I guess less people have a reaction to this kind. Tastes pretty damn gross and doesn't come out very nicely either... sorry TMI.

The second half of the recording they had the machine tilt me back to be laying down on my back. I had to drink two big gulps of the fluid and roll 180 degrees around. They wanted the fluid to coat my stomach. Kind of funny but it makes sense. After that I then laid on my stomach, drinking more fluid while they recorded the fluid go down this way.

I kept asking them when they were going to do the fill. They looked confused as much as I was. I honestly was expecting a fill under he X-ray again. But this time they just wanted to record the data and then send it to my surgeon. At that time he will check to see if I need a fill based upon the footage. The still shot X-ray was to compare the present location to the implant date. They told me right away that it hadn't moved or developed any irregularities.

So here I wait, till I hear back from my doctor to see what I should do next. Mean while I am still juicing, still having big salads for lunch and making an effort when we eat out not to eat fried or bread/pastas. I really would like to be down to 180 for the wedding. Most of all I would like to be 180 to start trying to get pregnant shortly after the wedding. That is only 20 pounds... and some change. I know I can do it!

Goal for this week: Sweat it out - "Sweat is fat crying!"

Weight for today: 205


  1. You can do it!! :) And, congratulations on your engagement!! What nice news.

  2. Hi! How are you doing with your band?
