Monday, December 20, 2010

Re-Do Week 3

I am on week 3 and I don't think I have truly weighted myself as much as I normally do. It does feel very odd to me not to weight myself every few days. I stepped on the scale last week once. I just have been so busy with errands and shopping I haven't made much time for my usual habits. The hustle and bustle of the holidays I guess. Which means also not that I have been totally bad with eating, I have done pretty good. I don't recall a day I really over ate. Just trying to remember it isn't the amount I can eat - it is the amount of how little I can eat.

I enjoy my hour of cardio each time I go to the gym. I hate it when I am doing it but I am thinking of things that motivate me. One thing I have been doing is choosing a machine next to someone else who is working hard or running fast. It honestly does help push you. If it is just secretly trying to run along side them or just sweat as much as they are. I swear on it!

I still suck at drinking water.... BAD
I haven't logged in continually each day into my food log.... BAD
One hour of cardio 3x's this week.... GOOD
Didn't drink at the holiday party.... GOOD

Speaking of holiday party! I received more comments from two friends that I haven't seen... well should say haven't seen as much as I would like. I don't hang in the same circle of friends as I use to but we used to hang out a lot. Now I see them less than I would like. Anyhow... the first one asked what I have been doing and how great I looked. She stated she didn't notice at first but then she saw me from far away and saw how small I was. She was more caught off guard in a way. I am not sure. She just reacted very excitedly. The other complement came from one of my guy friends. He just casually said that he could tell I have 'slimed down' and he could tell. Plus I looked nice. He was kinda funny about it. I think he was choosing his words carefully. But it was good to hear this coming from a guy since most are not into such details. What is interesting is that I saw both of these people at Halloween time. But did no one notice then? I haven't lost any more weight since then. (Oh god I wish I had)

This whole re-do challenge is less than a success. I have one more week that I told myself I would allot myself. I have had no budge on the scale. Its been more of an awareness for me mentally then. My fill appointment got rescheduled on me. So I don't go in until January 12th!

I just don't see how I can eat like I can, not loose any weight weeks after weeks.... I work out harder and no results... what is a girl to do....

Goal for this week: Vitamins + Water

Weight for today: ?

Merry Christmas followers!

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