Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Re-Do Week 2

Here is a break down of the past Re-Do Challenge that is turning up to be Challenging! It is really helping me though think about eating and making the efforts to work out.  I also have taken more thought/effort in: Where I want to be with my weight + How hard I need to work + Is eating 'this' worth ruining the day + How I feel emotionally and physically.

I have done pretty well with my eating this past week. I limited the quantity of what I ate and tried to avoid carbs. I did have a sweet tooth a few days but didn't have much around me so the moment passed. It felt empowering. I didn't log continuously thru the week in my food log. I am aware of what I eat everyday but didn't make time at the end of the day to do it. I bought Trader Joe's PowerBerries which are dark chocolate and you don't need much to fulfill a sweet tooth. Two or three little bites and you are good to go. Limitations, my dears, right.

I am still not drinking as much water as I should. In fact, I never put my 1 hour reminder timer on once. I have never been a water drinker and I struggle with this with every 'diet' or 'eating right' thru my whole life. I just feel like I have to be thirsty to drink water. But yet, I drink tea, chai, or juice thru the day. Not the best but I am trying. It is th key to help weight loss... you would think I would just do it!

I missed Spin both days since I hurt my hip, oh I should say over worked it walking last weekend. It has been sore all week. I think I just needed a rest. So I missed spin Tuesday on purpose but wanted to go Thursday. But missed that too since the seminar I went to ran a bit later than I thought. I did still work out those days and did an hour of cardio. But missing spin can be disappointing since it burns a lot of calories and stress. My boyfriend got a new bike which means I get to use his older one. I have a beach cruiser but it doesn't have gears like his older bike. So we are going this weekend to ride a 5 mile loop near his house.

I think I may had been struggling mentally and what not since I started my period. Again, yes... I am every 2 -3 weeks. It is kinda crazy. Before I would go 2 - 3 months but now it is weeks. It is good since my body is reacting and having it makes me feel healthy. But it is a pain in the ass when you are trying to loose weight and the scale keeps jumping up. I have been loosing a lot of hair recently and not sleeping well. I think it might have to do with me not taking my vitamins regularly.

I received the best complement this weekend at a holiday party from an old coworker... "You look so tiny!" as he held my shoulders with both hands to feel how small I was. It made me feel really great. I had a smile ear to ear and kept telling my boyfriend about what that person said. I think I mentioned it 10 times that night. I am still glowing.

Goal for this week: Spin tonight, Bike on Saturday + VITAMINS

Weight for today: 200.6

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