Monday, December 6, 2010

Re-Do Week 1

Awe I suck at my new challenge. I know what I have to do but I am just not following my new guides I set. Everyday will be a struggle but what I can't get my mind around is my lack of motivation. I know what I need to do, I talk about what I need to do, I see what I need to do.... but why can't I just do it!?! You know that feeling one gets when you are really unhappy about your weight and you want to change, but yet you feel stuck, like you can't... Whelp folks THAT IS ME. I am not in denial one bit. I know when I am eating something unhealthy. I still eat it though. I'm surrounded by so much temptation. IT'S DRIVING ME BONKERS!

Even though I suck at eating the right things since the start of my plan.... I have followed some of it.
What I Completed: 
- I got rid of the ice cream in the fridge
- The chocolate goldfish crackers are gone
- Set the timer to drink more water 2 of the days
- Tuesday: Spin class + 1 hour legs workout
- Thursday: 30min jog + 30min elliptical + 1 hour back/shoulder workout
- Saturday: 40 min walk and jog
- Sunday: 30min jog + 30min stair stepper + 1 hour arm/triceps workout
(That means I did 4xs the cardio than the week prior.)

Now what I need to work on for full week 2:
- No carbs
- No sweets
- Set timer everyday for water intake
- Keep up increased cardio workouts
- Not eat the candy, rice or bread at my boyfriend's house

Now I just need to find that happy place where I am burning the calories and eating the right foods. Then I should see some sort of change.

Goal for this week: Read above

Weight for today: 200.6

P.S. On the bright side I am feeling great because I finally paid off all of my financial debt this past week. AND I am starting to be more creative outside of work by learning more about taking photos. Something I always wanted to do but lacked confidence to do. I have a lighting seminar this week hosted by a pro photographer. I am really excited about that. I also did a night shoot with two other beginner photographers this past weekend. I leave you with two of the shots of Downtown San Diego.... 


  1. Well here is the good news. You know what you need to do and aren't doing half bad at what you are doing! I mean are on the right track. And gooood Lord. Paying off financial debt and feeling creative at work is great to relieve some stress and free your mind!

  2. @ Amy.... Thanks for the recent posts and the positive words.
