Thursday, September 24, 2009


Ever since I have made my surgery date official... I keep day dreaming. Of what you ask? Aww... I am dreaming of the complements I will get from those who can tell I have lost some weight, To prove to those who have doubted me that I can do this, To be just like all the other women's blogs I keep reading (additively) about, to look in the mirror an be able to tell a difference with each passing week and know I made the right choice. There are so many things I am looking forward to that I keep dreaming of. It is even preventing me from getting some serious projects done at work. Shhh, don't tell my boss. :-)

It feels like I am standing on a cliff. And right before you jump into the water, your life should flash before you... but instead I see what lies ahead. Knees are a little wobbly but I know once I dive in - it will all be worth it!

Thank you to all the women who have put their story out there. I have read so many blogs this past week. Knowing that there are people out there that are going thru the same thing as I am, makes this whole process more comforting. I don't know anyone who has had a band or bypass. And now reading tons of blogs I feel like I know those who I read about now. Thanks Ladies!

I can't wait any more... 24 days away and it seems like forever!

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