Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Is This What Motivation Feels Like?

Today I woke up at 6:30 am which is kinda odd to me since I love my sleep. I woke up right away and started laundry, cleaned up, even made myself breakfast at home... All before work. Now, if you know me this is very rare that I get up before 8am to go to work. I don't have to be to work until 9am. And even then I am late. I hate being late to things but for some reason WORK I am ALWAYS late for no matter how much I try. Today, something different happened... phases of the moon, the red sea dividing, pigs flying... whatever it was I feel very proud that I have done so much today before work and don't feel sluggish one bit. Very energetic - feels kinda off but right at the same time.

Last night I stocked up on veggies and fruits to start making a few fresh juices for the week. The Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead movie has inspired me in a way. I figured with protein shakes, juices, big salads, yogurts, nuts... that I would be good to eat healthy for the next 2 weeks. Might even shoot for a goal of eating better until Christmas. You know, as time frame for motivation. Cause it has been way to long since I have ate like a perfect bandster.

If I can keep myself getting up early on the days I don't go to the gym... which would be only 2 week days. I could make a huge difference in my work out schedule and motivation. I think if I am eating the right foods, get plenty of exercise, and not over sleep... I could feel this great (or better) everyday. You are what you eat right? If I eat good then I will feel good. Seems logical.

For some greatness to God, I am down 2 pounds and I didn't really try that hard. I just have stopped eating out as much. For awhile there, I was eating out like an old habit that made me 230 pounds. Not good one bit. Now I am mentally back and determined. I gotta run with it... I gotta stick to it... I gotta be accountable for my food choices. I have the working out part down but eating right is a must. They work hand in hand.

To top things off I am still pretty pissed off at myself that I had creeped back into the 200's so easily. It came back so easy after I had worked hard to get the last bit off just to get into the 190's.

Now today I am 204lbs. 
Not proud of that number one bit. 
Not proud that I am 2 years out of being banded and I was at -32 now at -26. 
That isn't where I want to be and nor should I be.
Come on... 2 year I have only lost -26 pounds when I should be down to my goal weight of 150lbs.
Motivation Folks, Motivation!

Goal for this Week: Make some really great tasting fresh juices.

Weight for today: 204lbs.

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