Friday, November 11, 2011

Silk Number

It has been a few weeks since I have last posted. There has been a lot going on in the personal life but not much going on in my band life. 

I have stuck to the new work out routine until the time changed and I dont feel safe running in a dark street anymore. I have to find a way to still be able to fit in my hill run. It isn't as easy to do it after work like before. I get out of work when it is dark now. If I had more motivation and wasn't such a sleeper I would do it before I went to work. That I would really have to try to do. I think I would fail within the first week. 

It has been a crazy past 2 weeks. my brother got married and we have had lots of family in town for more than just the weekend. All week. Granted they aren't high maintenance but we just ate out more. The whole deal with my brother's wedding that really bothered me was that I wasn't in it. I had helped out with the invitations and the signage - even hosting the rehearsal dinner. Since I was kinda hurt about it - I figured to make up for it I would get even more dressed up. I hoped that people would of kept the focus on how I looked versus 1. Not being in the wedding and 2. "When are you and your boyfriend going to get married" question. I swear every person I spoke with that night asked. It was very annoying. No need to ask when they already know we are on that path. So all in all my plan of looking great only went so far. The master plan didn't work....

.. or maybe it did? I felt great. Got a good buzz on. Danced. Visited with both sides of my family. Had lots of fun.

I may be struggling with my weight loss but the band has allowed me to fit in this size 14 satin number and feel as radiant as it is blue. I would of never worn it before. Cheers to that!

In my last post I told you I was going to wear that purple dress... It fit perfectly BUT it was to casual. So I went out and found the blue dress. The purple dress I wore to the rehearsal dinner. After the dinner, I ended up ripping the side seam area chasing after my neighbors dog that ran across our busy street, in the rain. The things we do for cute fluffy dogs... It was pretty funny but now I have to learn how to sew it.

Goal for this week: Drink lots of water and find time to fit in the new hill run.

Weight for today: 205

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