Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Being Aware

I am actually doing it!

Last week I did a 3 day cleanse to get me started on back to eating better. It really helps make me start fresh and get into that mind set. Since then I have been really good about no carbs. Granted a slice a bread was consumed... and two chocolates. But I don't feel bad about eating them. I know that it wasn't the best but I was aware it was not the right choice and then I moved on. I am not going to punish myself. Especially since the scale wasn't effected. I am thinking long term.

I am mainly sticking to a few main meals so I don't have to think to much about what to plan out. Here is a list of my basic meals.

Shakeology protein shake with So Delicious Coconut Milk
(I make different shakes by adding fruit or coffee)

1 cup of cucumbers and 1 cup of strawberries
Greek yogurt
carrots with hummus

Turkey meatballs (two of course) with marinara sauce
Fajita style chicken with bell peppers & onions + 1/2 cup Pinto beans

Celery with a Skinny Cow wedge
Mixed nuts
Apple with Peanut Butter

The simple menu is really helpful. I feel as if only buying and having a small amount of selections keeps me focused. When I grocery shop I only carry the basket instead of pushing a cart around. I feel things 'slip' into the cart that aren't on my list. I also tell myself that I can't buy more than 1 re-usable bag full of items. It also makes the grocery bill cheaper and I don't waist any by buying to much. It sounds silly but it works for me to think like this.

I repeat my cleanse next week for another 3 days. Then another 2 weeks of no carbs. It is only until the end of August I am doing this. If I see a difference then I may will keep going. I am actually not really hungry between meals until the end of the night. That is when I feel the need to snack on things I shouldn't. I am being more aware of this and maybe eating a bit more protein for dinner will help me out.

Goal for this week: Keep it positive!

Weight for today: 198

1 comment:

  1. I love that you are committed to making the changes needed to refocus on your goal. You are going to do great. I love your simple plan.
