Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Three Biggies

Thanks for the comments about how I was feeling last week. I was pretty irritated with how when I compare myself to the progress and time frames of others. This week I have to think of a new start. I explained my frustrations to my surgeon and he added 1cc more to the band. I now have a total of 9cc's. To me that seems like a lot but I truly don't have a ton of restriction. Granted I can't eat like what I did prior, but I can sure eat a lot and not feel full. I am trying to remind myself about eating slower, chewing completely and always eating a protein. Fingers crossed that with the additional cc added today I will be on a new path. (the downward path!)

Three big things happened last week. I did my second spin class. I did one the week prior and blogged about it. But I also mentioned I took the beginner class. Well last week I took the male instructors' class. He blasts the music really loud and he raises his voice like a drill instructor. Yea, I took that class! Even though he is yelling, he is pushing you and motivating you to push more each time. I kept up with the rest of the class. I was so proud of myself. I felt good once I was done. This was on Tuesday.

Then Thursday's gym date I went to the yoga class. I finally went to the class. All that crap about me saying I would keep going... I never went until last week. Granted it isn't as straining as the spin class... but damn after wards I felt so sore.. and for a few days. I know I am not as flexible as I once was but if I keep up with it I will be like Gumby one day.

This past Saturday my boyfriend and I met up with my friend and her husband. Instead of going out to eat like we normally do, we went for a hike along the beach and on this hill that we have titled THE BOOTY BUSTER HILL! Just imagine a steep paved road going up hill for almost a half a mile. Once you reach the top there are trails you can take. The area is called Torrey Pines State Beach. We chose the trail that lead us along the hillside and down to the beach. The point of the story is that my boyfriend and I used to walk this hill a lot last year. I would always have certain spots I needed to stop at to catch my breath. Before we met up with my friends he asked me if I would be able to do this hill since we had not done it in a while. He wasn't completely doubting me but I think he didn't want me to embarrass myself in front of my friends if I had to stop. They are runners and pretty fit. I just blew off what he said b/c I knew I could physically do it now. So not only did I pass the first stopping point... I PASSED THEM ALL! Take that stupid hill! I am in so much greater of shape and doing cardio more has totally paid off. Everyone told me how amazed they were that I could keep up. It made me feel pretty damn good.

Here is a photo of us at the top of the hill!

Goals for this week: Think thin thoughts

Weight for today: 204 (Next Monday is my 6 month bandiversary. I hope to NOT be 204 then. Grrr....)


  1. Hi April! You're doing a great job no matter what. First of all, the first step was getting your ass to the gym and now you're doing SPIN CLASS and YOGA!!! GO girl...

    It might be better for you to lose weight gradually then to lose A LOT so fast (maybe even avoid looking like a skin bag). I know being banded is suppose to promise mass weight loss in minimal time but it's okay, you're still losing. Remember, regardless of being banded or not -- it's still all mental and how you change your living choices. I am NOT a skinny minnie myself but I know the struggles and it's GREAT that you have a very supportive boyfriend/family that doesn't mind doing things with you. That's awesome. Keep it up!

  2. Great Photo! You look happy and triumphant.

    I'm glad to hear the spin class went well. I really like spin, too. I'm not good at traditional aerobics or dance because I'm not coordinated so spin is nice, takes the pressure off.
