Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I have officially made it to my 6 month bandiversary date! Granted I didn't loose any weight this past week but that is okay for now. I am just so happy that I have come this far and I don't think I would of been able to keep it up for this long if I wasn't banded. Hooray Me!

What has got me thru to today?
1. FASHIONABLE WATER BOTTLES - for the gym, protein waters, water helps the skins elasticity

2. BLENDER BALL - I use it everyday to mix my protein shake mix + benifiber + soy milk. The blender ball works great for on the go, Early morning rush to work and traveling. It makes my life a little bit simpler.

3. THE SCALE - Knowing I have to weigh myself no matter what each week has been the simplest but difficult part of this process. It can be a great day that makes me skip thru the week or it makes me get down on myself for a few days. It is more mental than anything.

4. THIS BLOG OF COURSE! - I have followers who read my posts makes me realize that I have to be honest with what I am going thru and what the good & bad of everyday is like. I can't lie. I have to be honest just like everyone elses blog. Posting a goal & my weight for each Monday post makes me consistent so when I read back months from now I will really see how far I have come!

Goal for this week: Proteins first! No bread!

Weight for today: 204


  1. Wow! What a difference. Congrats!

  2. Happy 6 month Bandiversary!!

    Your pics are great! I can really see a difference!

  3. Happy 6 months. You look great. I agree that doing the blog is a huge help in this journey. Right now I'm in the soaking up stage - I haven't been banded yet so I'm soaking up all the success stories, hoping that I will be one of them. Later, when I get the band, I'll probably need the support even more to help me until I get restriction. Then I hope that I can be the success story that newbies read, soak up the info I give and hope they will be like me. That will be a huge NSV.

  4. Congrats on the six months! Me too, my surgery was on the 20th of October! Great job so far! <3

  5. You are simply amazing!

    Hehehe- so true about the fancy water bottles. I have so many now I devote an entire shelf in my cupboard to them.

  6. Totally! You can see a big change. You look great!

    Yes, I'll take your hand me downs any day. (or is it hand me ups?)
