Saturday, September 18, 2010

11 Months

Wholly shit! Has it really been this long since I was banded? One more month and it will be a YEAR! Wow How time flies by. As of today, at my 11 month date, five new and exciting things are:

1. Under 200 - not by much but it does look like I am in ONE-DER-LAND
2. In a size 14 designer Jeans
3. Keeping up with my working out even with working long hours
4. Feeling restricted (finally)
5. Had my period after many months of not having it

I really feel like I am kicked back into gear and really trying to make better choices. I have felt in a slump and struggling. Not seeing any loss other than in inches. This is very frustrating but one must focus on moving forward and no regrets. 

A list of things I want to work on for the next month:

1. Vitamins
2. Going back to spin class
3. Drinking more water

Off to my cruise for one week - hoping to get a lot of relaxation and feel refreshed when I return. Maybe even a little tan.

"Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement."

Weight for today: 199

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